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Some Funky Music I Found
These are some music I found whilst browsing the music tab that I placed here so that I would not forget them, and that you could either groove to them or use such in your future projects.
To do this, go into mixer and unmute whichever song you wish to listen to, or unmute them all and cause your ears to writhe in pain and agony.
Comments for "Some Funky Music I Found"
License details for "Some Funky Music I Found"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Big Burtha by Binary Lapse of Time +)
- Accordion--Honey in the Hair by Blackbird Raum +)
- Davy Jones Song by Fialeja +)
- 1920's Spooky Music by Frances Langford +)
- Animal Crossing 8.5 PM remix by +)
- FNAF Daycare theme by SneakyFreak +)
- Black Ops Five Elevator Music by Treyarch Sound +)
- Cleft of Dimension by Yasunori Mitsuda +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License