- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Secret Underwater Lab
There's a lake in the middle of an island off the coast of Massachusetts. At first glance, the lake does not seem unique. Its only notable feature is that it's the biggest lake on the island. You visit this lake often, and swim in it as long as the unpredictable weather will allow. After more times than you'd like to admit, you realize that this New England lake is perfect. It's crystal clear, perfectly blue, and devoid of life. No lake weed grasping at your feet in the shallow end, no fish eating the bugs that dart along its surface, and no algae ever forms. You can see right to the bottom, perfect sand and all. You can maybe see a strange formation of rocks at the bottom of the ocean, on perfectly cloudless sunny days, but you never question it.
And one day, you decide to follow your curiosity. You take a friend with you, rent some diving equipment, and begin your descent into the deep. It's deeper than you realized but still remains perfectly clear. Then the rock formation becomes clearer, more defined. There's an opening in the rock, like the mouth of a cave. Cautiously, you swim into it. It's a wide cave. You look up and see that there's a dim light above your head, where you know you should only find darkness. So you follow the light and swim up. What awaits you there is an air pocket and an underwater cave. You pull yourself up onto the flat stone ground, and rest for a moment in the unusually warm air. You and your companion chat for a few minutes, while your eyes adjust to the dim yellow light that beckoned you upwards.
You chat aimlessly, only to stop mid-sentence as your eyes fall upon a large metallic door. Inset into the door is a huge steel gray gear. And despite trying to tell yourself you know better, you rise to your feet and walk towards it. Your friend tries to dissuade you, but their rather lackluster dissuasion informs you that they're just as curious to find out what's behind it as you are.
Somehow you find the strength to turn the gear, which you assume opens the door, and it turns easily-much to your chagrin.
After the door swings open, you cautiously step onto a concrete floor of an unexplored lab left untouched for decades. You know that you won't like what you find here, but that it's far too late to turn back.
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License details for "Secret Underwater Lab"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Server Room \ Computer Lab by BugInTheSYS from http://freesound.org +)
- Walkie Talkie Static by crcavol from http://freesound.org +)
- Underwater Clash by George Vlad of Alchemy Audio Design +)
- Cave Walking* by http://freesound.org +)
- Neon Lights Hum by kbnevel from http://freesound.org +)
- A Background Atmosphere by Luuk van Loon +)
- Huge slow metal fan by SoundDogs +)
- Submarine\Aquarium by theredshore from http://freesound.org +)