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Personal Library
Have you tried reading in social places? Like school, or in the mall while your mom shops, or in the car. (or your living room)
Yeah, I bet my bookshelf it wasn't so great. Too much walking at the mall, people interrupting you anywhere else, (OMG WHAT ARE YOU READING CAN I SEE) and probably too noisy in your car, depending on the family.
If you don't have these problems: great! I envy you beyond capability!
But I do. So I acquired my own personal hidden library, complete with castle. It has a lock and is hidden behind a trapdoor. Has huge windows (the window seats have HUGE fluffy pillows and blankets) so I can see the country landscape my personal castle has, and occasionally I catch sight of my herd of unicorns.
The Shire is an hour's drive away. It takes a blessed two years to fly out to Mordor. So no orcs trampling my rosebushes.
I invite you bookworms to join me! I have tea. And it's raining. Who's bringing the chocolate? Oh, and someone invite Gandalf. Maybe he'll make us go on a quest or something if we pretend to be heirs of Bilbo and hide in the library.
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License details for "Personal Library"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Tea Cup Clinking sc by ahill86 +)
- 1840s Grandfather Clock by daveincamas from http://www.freesound.org/people/daveincamas/sounds/27077/ +)
- Rain on a Window by InspectorJ +)
- Book Pages Turning by jetstar from http://youtube.com +)
- Pouring tea into a cup by MrAustralisation from http://www.freesound.org/ +)
- Pre thunderstorm by RHumphries from http://freesound.org +)
- creaking chair by ryancacophony from http://freesound.org +)
- Fire Crackling by urupin from freesound.org +)