- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
I did a subway sound mixer with background music, drums, trains coming and going, and people talking in the background. This sound has eight sounds that make you feel like you are in the actual subway. I also have noice of doors closing to represent the doors in the subway opening and closing. I also have beeping and tracks rattling to represent the trains moving. I out music in the background such as drums because the subway is full of people playing music. I also added people are talking over the phone, steps, people listening to music and babies crying. I tried to add the voice announcer that you always hear at the subway but never understand what they are saying.
These are the sounds I added because they are the sounds I hear while I am at the subway, trains rattling, people over the phone or talking to each other, and people playing music or singing.
License details for "DANIELA_P_AMBIENTMIXER1"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- subway by chripei at https://www.freesound.org/people/chripei/ +)
- basic drumming by chrisderineg from freesound.org +)
- Audience Becomes Still by http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/ +)
- Distant Train Horn by IFartInUrGeneralDirection +)
- NYC Subway 1 by Stuard +)
- Crowd talking and chatting by Unknown Author +)
- Train wheels by Unknown sound producer +)
- Child Crying by www.zapsplat.com +)