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A Day at the Beach
-Calm waves sand beach: to make it seem as if waves are crashing on to the shore
-seagulls: to make it seem as if there as seagulls nearby
-footsteps in the sand: to make it seem as if someone is walking on the sand
-light breeze: to make it seem as if there is a light breeze blowing
-water splash: to make it seem as if people are playing in the water
-ship horn: to make it seem as if there is a ship in the distance
-light traffic: to make it seem as if people are driving near the beach
- crowd talking loop: to make it seem as if there are people around
Comments for "A Day at the Beach"
License details for "A Day at the Beach"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Footsteps on Sand by +)
- Ship Horn by but edited by me +)
- light breeze by keweldog from +)
- Calmwaves sandbeach by klankbeeld from +)
- Light Traffic by malupeeters from +)
- Water_splash by +)
- Crowd talking and chatting by Unknown Author +)
- Seagull Ambient 1 by Valve +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License